Transportation to healthcare appointments and access to available resources is a well-known barrier for many people throughout western North Carolina. CareReach has implemented an innovative project designed to connect care coordination programs with existing transit options in urban and rural counties. Through our agency programs, and partnerships with others, CareReach is able to offer a direct solution to transportation barriers that impact a participant’s ability to reach a care plan goal.

CareReach partners with other agencies, including Mitchell County Transportation and Ride Health, to allow access to the transit network. *CareReach does not offer direct transportation to individuals.

If your agency is interested in learning more about being part of CareReach’s Good Works Transportation Program, please contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Woman helping older lady into vehicle from wheelchair.

Areas Served

  • Buncombe County
  • Henderson County
  • McDowell County
  • Mitchell County